Sunday, August 29, 2010

Everthing is amazing, and I'm not happy

I am not an early-adopter. Proof? I drive Harley-Davidsons, and the Motor Company still uses 18th century technology in its drive trains.

Which brings me to Linked-In.

Who came up with this ... this ... this thing that defies my every intention? I cursed and fumed throughout the account-creation process. I banged my mouse to death in frustration. I had my CTO add a trillion bytes of memory to my computer to make it run faster.

And then I thought, is it Linked-In, or is it me.

Linked-In may be the greatest networking tool since the jungle drum. And I'm having a stroke because I can't figure out how to make it do what I want it to do.

More precisely, I was having a stroke because I was so caught up in the what and the how that I lost sight of why I was there. I need names, fast, to compensate for the damage the Summer of Recovery has visited on my revenue stream.

And I mention all of that just to say this: Aunt Maude wants to know why the letters I write to her on behalf of my employer's clients are in her mailbox.

Dear Aunt Maude, this is why I'm writing to you; this is why it's important for you to read this letter; this is why you can believe what I'm telling you; this is why I need your help.

This is why only an idiot would refuse the offer.

How and what are parity positions. Why is a powerful question, and putting the answer in Aunt Maude's mind is what this game is all about.

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