Friday, December 3, 2010

Relevance trumps persuasion

2DBarCodeStrategy deconstructs a Microsoft lead-generation magazine ad for its Dyanmic CRM Online product. A Microsoft Tag in the call to action takes the prospect to a mobile website.
The use of the Tag, as a tactical element of the advertisement, is very straightforward and works well, scan the Tag for more product information. Fine.
Then comes the disconnect.
Once on the mobile website, the reader is bombarded with information, from blog entries to Twitter entries, from case studies to product feature pages.
Relevance is the name of the game. If a magazine readers are sufficiently intrigued by a lead-generator to scan through, chances are they want to find out more about the product. If they've raised their hands, tell them immediately what they want to know ... how to find out more about the product.
Lead Generation 101: Ask immediately for their contact information and promise them a product specialist will get back to them with 24 hours.

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