Saturday, December 4, 2010

Successful 2D Barcode Strategy: Retail

Roger Marquis at 2D Barcode Strategy looks at a Bergdorf Goodman magazine retail ad that incorporates an ezCode tag and likes what he sees:

First, there is no interruption to the shopping experience or purchase decision process, once the consumer lands on the mobile website. After a consumer reads about a product and selects it for purchase, they can do so either via their mobile device or by calling the 1-800 number provided on the mobile site. Perfect.

Bergdorf's creative team did a great job setting the code's size and placement (i.e., lower right hand corner on a right hand magazine page), as well as the descriptive copy accompanying the code (i.e., bold lettering for first word or two, then regular type for the remainder).
Another winning example of putting content and technology in harness rather than just sitcking a tag on an existing outward facing brand communication and waiting for people to scan-through to an exising inward-facing element.

Via 2D Barcode Strategy

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